When a good friend does their part to subtly hand you a box of tic-tacs, it may be time to face the facts: you could be suffering from bad breath! While you may not notice the odor at first, you certainly wouldn’t want to be the last to know. Keep your mouth feeling healthy and fresh by visiting your local dentist and staying up to date with helpful advice for your smile.
What is Bad Breath?
The scientific name for bad breath is halitosis, and more than 80 million people suffer from it on a chronic basis. This noticeably unpleasant odor that you just can’t seem to hide is caused by far more factors than you may think!
5 Ways You Get Bad Breath
Bad breath is most often caused when food particles are trapped in the teeth or mouth. In turn, bacteria slowly breaks down the particles, and that’s where things get interesting–powerful and odorous sulfur compounds are released from these deteriorating particles and can linger on your breath for hours! If you want to know how to cure bad breath, the best way is often by avoiding the following 5 common ways we get bad breath:
-Difficulty maintaining a good dental hygiene routine
-Diet rich in garlic, onions or similar odor-causing foods
-Untreated chronic dry mouth, tooth decay or gum disease
-Consuming alcohol, smoking or taking certain medications
-Poorly fitting dental appliances such as partial or full dentures
Your dental hygiene routine, diet, dental care and habits play a large role in the overall health of your gums, mouth and teeth. The next time you go to the dentist and think you’re in for a regular cleaning, consider the “invisible” germs and bacteria your dentist clears away using professional tools in preventive and restorative dentistry.
Natural Remedies For Bad Breath
The best solution to curing bad breath at home is often to treat the source before you notice any uncomfortable symptoms. Brush and floss regularly, and practice preventive care by reducing or eliminating smoking or alcohol consumption. Because bad breath is often related to what you eat, it may also be advised to skip that extra greasy slice of pizza on your way to your next meeting or interview. As always, continue to visit your dentist every six months to properly assess your dental health.
A Look Into Your Dental Health
While that uncomfortable odor you sense might seem like a cosmetic issue, it could be indicative of a more serious dental problem. When you come in to see your local dentist in Lombard, our team will take the time to review your dental health and medical history and monitor any changes. Using comfortable methods in preventive dentistry, we strive to encourage better health and wellness for you and your family.
Freshen Your Breath With An Appointment!
To stay up-to-date with your dental health, be sure to visit your local dentist in Lombard at Brett Blacher DDS. We look forward to providing you with the best dental experience by using only the best services in modern family dentistry. If you have concerns about certain dental issues such as bad breath, sleep apnea, a recent toothache or TMJ pain we encourage you to give us a call at (630) 916-0701 to ask us your dental questions or schedule your next appointment!
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