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Recognizing The Top 5 Signs You Need A Root Canal

Dental patient with root canal pain

If you develop a tooth infection in Lombard, root canal therapy from Dr. Brett Blacher is the best way to restore your tooth, eliminate pain, and prevent further complications. But how do you know if your tooth is infected and may need treatment with a root canal? Find out now. 

  1. Severe, Prolonged Toothache

If you notice serious, persistent pain in one of your teeth, this is usually due to a tooth infection. As the infection spreads, it attacks and kills the nerves within the soft “pulp” inside your tooth, causing discomfort. 

Pain in your tooth can be caused by other issues like a damaged piece of dental work, but if you continue to experience a lot of pain, you should definitely see Dr. Blacher for a diagnosis. Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.

  1. Gum Swelling And Discoloration

If you have an infected tooth, the buildup of bacteria within the tooth can spread into the gums, causing them to become swollen, inflamed, and discolored. If you notice tenderness and inflammation in the gums around one of your teeth, this could indicate an infection. 

  1. Tooth Discoloration 

If you have a deeply infected tooth, the tooth itself may become discolored over time. If the tooth looks brown, gray, or dark, this is not normal, and is an indication of an advanced tooth infection. You need to get help right away to save the tooth with a root canal or have it extracted, depending on the extent of the damage.

  1. Sensitivity To Heat, Cold, And Pressure

This may indicate an infected tooth or a very deep cavity that’s likely to become infected in the future. Your tooth may feel very tender and sensitive when you consume really hot or cold foods and drinks. The tooth may also feel sensitive when you put a lot of pressure on it, such as when you chew a hard piece of food.

If this affects only one of your teeth, you likely have a tooth infection. Sensitive teeth can be caused by other issues like naturally thin enamel, but it’s rare for it to be confined to just a single tooth. 

  1. A Cracked Or Chipped Tooth 

If you have recently chipped or cracked one of your teeth, you probably need a root canal. A deep chip or crack in your tooth can cause the pulp inside to become infected, so root canals are often done as a preventive treatment after a serious oral injury.

Whether you bit a hard piece of food, cracked a tooth due to grinding, or were hit in the face while playing sports, you should definitely see Dr. Blacher for an emergency appointment right away if your tooth has been cracked or chipped. He will examine the tooth and determine if a root canal is necessary. 

Contact The Office Of Dr. Brett Blacher For An Appointment In Lombard!

The sooner you get a root canal at the office of Dr. Brett Blacher, the better your outcome will be. You can eliminate your pain, prevent further complications, and get back to your day-to-day routine. So don’t wait. Contact us online or give us a call at (630) 916-0701 to schedule your appointment today. 

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