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5 Things To Expect When You Get Invisalign

If you are thinking about getting Invisalign in Lombard from the office of Dr. Brett Blacher, you may be wondering what you should expect from the process. In this blog, we’ll discuss a few things that you should definitely know before you get this orthodontic treatment. Read on, and learn with us! 

1. Your Teeth Will Be Sore (At First)

Invisalign works similarly to braces, except it uses clear, retainer-like aligners to shift the position of your teeth over time. The pressure that your aligners exert on your teeth can be a bit painful and uncomfortable at first, so it will take some time to get used to wearing your aligners.

This discomfort is usually the most obvious when you switch to a new set of aligners, since your teeth will move and shift the most in the first few days after you start wearing new aligners. Cold compresses, drinking ice water, and taking medicine like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help with this discomfort, which should fade quickly. 

2. You’ll Need To Wear Your Aligners For At Least 20 Hours Per Day

Ideally, your aligners should be worn for 20-22+ hours per day. The more you wear your aligners, the faster your results will be, so make sure to be diligent about wearing your aligners as much as possible. If you don’t, your treatment may fall behind.

3. You’ll Have To Take Out Your Aligners To Eat & Drink

If you’re eating anything or drinking anything (besides water), you’ll need to take out your aligners. You may damage or warp your aligners when you chew while wearing them, and drinking beverages other than water can stain them, so take out your aligners when you eat or drink, rinse them,  put them in your carrying case, and replace them when you’re done with your meal.

4. Proper Care Is Essential For Your Invisalign Aligners

You need to rinse your aligners after you remove them to eat and drink. In addition, every night, you should brush them with a scent-free soap that rinses away cleanly before putting them in for the night. This helps prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria on your aligners, and also helps stop them from getting stained or discolored.

5. You’ll See Your Dentist Every 4-6 Weeks For A Quick Checkup

You will need to come and see Dr. Blacher about every 4-6 weeks for a very brief checkup. He will check your progress and make sure everything looks good, then give you your next several sets of aligners, which you’ll wear according to his instructions. That’s it!

Come To The Office Of Dr. Brett Blacher To Get Invisalign Treatment In Lombard

If you’re interested in improving your smile and straightening your teeth without braces, Dr. Brett Blacher is here to help. We specialize in Invisalign, and can help you get the smile you deserve. Contact us online or give us a call at (630) 916-0701 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Blacher, and find out if Invisalign is the right choice for you.

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